In this week’s episode, Colin interview Endure IQ Coach, Aaron Geiser. They discuss Aaron’s athletic background and journey into triathlon coaching. They also chat about the differences between age group and professional training. Aaron coached Colin throughout his highly successful 2024 season and they reflect back on his year. They both express gratitude for their productive working relationship and look forward to working with each other in the future. Thanks for joining the podcast, Aaron!
Show Notes:
Aaron Geiser's athletic background @ 0:00
Aaron discusses his childhood growing up in Louisville, Kentucky and the influence of his older brother who played baseball at the University of Louisville. This exposure to college athletics at a young age shaped Aaron's understanding of balancing academics, athletics, and life. After playing baseball through college, Aaron transitioned into sports medicine and athletic training, gaining valuable experience working with college sports teams.
Aaron's journey to triathlon coaching @ 6:40
After a stint in Florida, Aaron returned to Louisville and worked in banking, quickly rising through the ranks. However, he ultimately decided the banking career was not fulfilling and transitioned into health coaching. This led Aaron to discover triathlon, which quickly became a passion. He began coaching triathletes and in 2016 joined the EndureIQ team, where he has thrived as a coach.
Overcoming a persistent injury @ 18:23
Aaron describes a frustrating injury he dealt with for several months, which prevented him from racing as planned. After trying various treatments without success, he finally found the right solution through working with a chiropractor who specialized in myofascial release. This allowed Aaron to recover and shift his focus to supporting his athletes rather than racing himself.
Differences between age group and pro training @ 45:01
Aaron discusses the key differences between how professional and age group triathletes approach training. He emphasizes the importance of accounting for an age grouper's work, family, and other life commitments when designing their training plan, rather than simply trying to emulate a pro's high-volume approach.
Reflections on coaching Colin @ 58:16
Aaron reflects positively on his experience coaching Colin, highlighting Colin's excellent communication and willingness to provide feedback. He notes Colin's exceptional running speed as a strength, and expresses optimism about Colin's future potential. Overall, Aaron describes the coaching relationship as highly productive and enjoyable.
Recap and future outlook @ 1:09:21
The discussion concludes with both Aaron and Colin expressing gratitude for their productive working relationship and excitement about continuing to work together in the future.