
AGFL Triathlon Episode 116: Managing Race Day Expectations, Pre-Race Nerves, and Training Tips

In this episode, Colin, Becca, and Elliot discuss race day expectations, managing pre-race nerves, and knowing when to push or back off training intensities. As always, thanks for listening and please let us know if you have any topic requests for future episodes.  Hope everyone’s season is off to a great start!


Show Notes:
Key Takeaways
  • Don't obsess over weather forecasts too far in advance - focus on being prepared for any conditions
  • Have a race day nutrition/fueling strategy, but test it in training first - nothing new on race day
  • Some pre-race nerves are normal, but don't let anxiety get out of control - use techniques like visualization
  • Listen to your body during training - know when to push through vs. when to back off to avoid injury
  • Communicate with your coach about any workout changes rather than randomly moving things around
  • Pre-Race Nerves and Expectations
  • Normal to have some pre-race nerves, but don't let anxiety get out of control
  • Use visualization techniques to stay focused on your own race plan
  • Don't obsess over long-range weather forecasts that are likely to change
  • Have a race nutrition/fueling strategy, but test it in training first - nothing new on race day
  • Knowing When to Push or Back Off
  • Listen to your body - know when to push through fatigue vs. when to back off to avoid injury
    1. Situational - depends on the workout, distance, your fatigue levels, etc.
    2. Don't just quit workouts easily, but adapt if truly needed
  • Communicate with your coach about any changes rather than randomly moving workouts
Importance of Recovery
  • Absorbing training through proper recovery is key
  • Sometimes backing off is the smart move, especially if feeling overly fatigued
  • Don't just train to check green boxes - having some misses is normal and healthy
Next Steps
  • Give the podcast a rating to help grow the audience
  • Consider doing a future episode reviewing a week of training with comments to coaches
  • Becca and Elliot to execute their next race (Pacific Crest Beastman) after this recording