
Welcome to the World Ruby!

I am ecstatic to announce the birth of my daughter, Ruby Roberta Cook.  She came on December 13th at 10:40pm.  She was 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and 21 inches long.  She was delivered by a midwife at the Birth Cottage in Milford, NH and Kristen delivered her in the tub, which was a first and wonderful experience for us.  Of course, my wife was a rockstar once again and handled it all naturally, did an amazing job, and had her within about 2 hours from first calling the midwife.  Here is she when she was only a few minutes old:

My wife and I are so excited to have our girl.  Her brothers have been amazing with her so far!  Here is Gabe giving her a kiss:

I am one proud Daddy!

While we have a bit sleep deprived and it is challenging juggling everything now have 4 kids 5 or under, life couldn't be much better!!!  :)

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