
Welcome Eli!

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to add a quick post welcoming my 2nd child, Elijah Kolten Cook, to the world.  He was born on Tuesday, February 17th.  He was 19.75 inches long and weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces.  He and his Mom are doing very well!

I have certainly been a bit sleep deprived over the past few days and most likely continue to be for the next few months, but it is well worth it.  Eli's birth has also provided me with the motivation I needed to really get back on track with my training and I am now officially on a mission to have a very successful 2015 season.  Here is a little video I made with Eli:

Thanks for reading/watching.  More updates on life, training, and Daddy duties coming soon.  :)

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