
Warm Up, Cool Down, And Recovery

This post will be my first crack at a video style post.  Hopefully this came out alright:

Please let me know what you think about this. It is a bit more time efficient and natural when I do the video as opposed to text, which has its pros and cons.  One thing I would like to add is about the amount of sleep you should get.  In my video, I should have said that you should get at least 6 hours of sleep.  I would actually recommend that you skip your training the next day if you're unable to get six hours of sleep or more.  I do recommend getting around hours of sleep.  Again, some people need more, but this is a good target for most people.  As you can see, this is something I am able to do very often.  However, I think that around 7:30hrs is my sweet spot.  I also recommend getting a massage at least once a month if possible.  Please also let me know if you have any questions.

My Training

Overall, my training has gone very well over the past few weeks.  The weather has been just awesome and has been very helpful/motivating.  The volume is picking up and I did have some very high volume this past week.  It can be a bit stressful trying to fit everything in, but I just do my best to take it one day at a time.  Here's what I've done for training the last 2 weeks: 2 Weeks ago:


- 7:32hrs slept, ZS:  95 10 min nap at lunch Ride: 62.04 miles in 3:00 on CT IMSG course Run: 8 miles in 58:36


- 7:52hrs slept, ZS: 92 Strength: 1:10 at DSC Swim: 4600 yards in 1:26:57


- 7:18hrs slept, ZS: 94 15 min nap at lunch Bike- 40 min spin class Run- 10 miles in 1:08:57 (speedwork)


- 7:15hrs slept, ZS: 88 Swim: 1850 yards in 30:24 Ride: 102.20 miles in 5:34:45 - first century ride of the hill. Over 5,000 feet of climbing and very windy 20 min ice bath after ride


- 6:45hrs slept, ZS: 76 Bike: 45 min spin class Run: 15 miles in 1:50:48 15 min ice bath after run


- 7:45hrs slept, ZS: 94 25 min late morning nap Off Day


- 6:34hrs slept, ZS: 84 Swim: 3800 yards in 1:06:31 Bike: Blue Steel Indoor TT- did as part of the NEMS team. We stuck together really well and it was a lot of fun.

to some video from the race.

Last Week


- 7:31hrs slept, ZS: 96 Swim: 3600 yards in 1:07:20 Run: 10 miles in 1:12:48


- 7:15hrs slept, ZS: 98 Strength: 1:10hr at DSC Bike: 60.34 miles in 3:03:24. Did some solo and some part of NEMS group ride. Unfortunately I double flatted and ended up finding a pin in my tire so had to cut the ride almost an hour short...


- 7:30hrs slept, ZS: 99 Bike: 40 min spin class Run: 8.14 miles in 1:00. Went to the track and did some half mile repeats at about 5:30 pace and felt good


- 6:53 hrs slept, ZS: 94 Strength: 1:10 at DSC Swim: 4600 yards at 1:28:57


- 7:46 hrs slept, ZS: 91 Bike: 45 min spin class Run: ROTB- 5.20 miles in 36:22 Massage: 1hr


- 7:06 hrs slept, ZS: 90 Swim: 2450 yards in 40:20 Bike: 126.51 miles in 6:15:20. Did a pretty flat course and rode about half the ride with Chris and Richard. Felt really strong. 15 min ice bath after ride


- 7:28 hrs slept, ZS: 87 Run: 19 miles in 2:15:01- pushed it pretty hard for 13 miles after a 5 mile warm up 15 min ice bath

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