
The Power of the Boots!

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I had tried on and used both the Recovery Pump boots and the Normatech boots at races and expo's over the past few years.  I really liked them and felt they would be very helpful, but the price point was just too high for me.  However, I finally splurged and got a pair of the Recovery Pump boots.

  Me In Recovery Pump Boots

I'll admit, when the boots first came, I was scarred what my wife was going to think of them.  She knows I love my gadgets, but I thought she was going to be pissed when she heard how much they cost.  However, she was actually pretty receptive to them.  I persuaded her to try them on and she really liked them.  She has done 2 duathlons since I got the boots and she always demands use of  them after the races.  I have certainly noticed a difference in my recovery since I have started wearing the boots regularly.  You're supposed to wear them for the 30-45 minutes after your workouts or races, which I thought would be a challenge.  However, I usually throw them on, put my computer on my lap, and bang out some work while I'm using them.  You can really feel them working.  You can also use them before workouts or races to loosen up which seems to have worked out well for me so far as well.

All in all, I have been extremely happy with my purchase thus far.  They are actually pretty mobile so I have already taken them with me on a few trips.  My clients are now in for a treat during our training camp or at races we do together because I will have them and let them use them.  So far they have been very appreciative.  I have also worked out a discount for my clients that are interested in purchasing them.  Please email me (Colin at PeakTriCoaching dot com) if you're interested in the discount code or if you have any questions about them.

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