
The 2013 Season is Underway

2nd Overall at the New England Season Opener

NE Season Opener 2013 Podium

There is nothing quite like the first tri of the season.  Is still very cold, we had some rain yesterday, but you can feel the excitement and anticipation for this race every year as it is the first race of the season for the majority of the field.  This race had been a bit of a nemesis of mine of the years so I was very eager to get out there and have a strong performance.  Here are my splits and some brief notes from the race: Total Race Time:  53:40, 1st AG, 2nd OV Swim:  500 yards (everyone's Garmin had longer):  7:12- 2nd AG, 21st OV

Comments:Descent swim. Got held up a bit at the start, but things opened up pretty quickly. I mixed it up between breathing to the left and right. Only major problem was I popped out of the water only to find my Garmin 910xt not on my Garmin 910xt not on my wrist!

What would you do differently?:

I think I could have swam a bit harder. NOT LOSE MY GARMIN!!!

Transition 1:  0:49- 1st OV

Bike:  10 miles - 27:33- 3rd AG, 6th OV
Pushed it on the bike. Did have a my Garmin Edge on, but only looked at cadence during the race.

What would you do differently?:
Keep working to improve my bike and get fast up the hills

Transition 2:  0:36, 1OV

Comments:  Fastest overall T2. I was the king of the transitions today! :)

Run:  3.1 miles, 17:31, 3rd AG, 3rd OV

Pretty happy with my run. I had no idea on my pace at any point. I like to at least see my splits pop up on my Garmin, but it was good to go off feel.

Event comments:

This was a great start to the tri season. So proud of my club, NorthEast MultiSport, as well had a great showing. We had the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th overall finishers as well as multiple AG and podium finishers.

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