
I'm a Race Director

No, I didn't go get my USAT Race Director certification or anything like that, but as most of you know, NorthEast MultiSport hosted its inaugural indoor time trial at Goodales Bike Shop in Nashua, NH on January 28th.  As the NEMS club president, I took a lot of the responsibilities in the preparation for the race.  Although there were only 80 competitors signed up, this took a LOT of work.  I've been on the Greater Nashua Tri committee for a few years now and I knew that it would be time consuming.  However, its been pretty amazing how many little things can chew up your time.  I did get some excellent help from some of the NEMS members, especially Nate Thomas.  Ron and Goodales were terrific throughout the entire process.  They did a great job getting us some awesome sponsors and I was really impressed with the prize list we ended up with. I'll admit, I was a bit nervous heading into race day.  I did feel we were well prepared.  However, you never know what can go wrong, especially with a first time event.  On that note, I remember my first experience with an indoor time trial quite well.  It was the Harpoon Brewery Indoor TT at Harpoon Brewery in Boston.  That event started a bit later than ours, but went much later.  I had signed up for one of the last heats of the night that was supposed to start at 9pm.  However, when I got there about an hour before my heat, they were running 2.5 hours behind!  I waited around for a while, but finally gave up and decided it wasn't worth sticking around for.  That being said, I wanted to make darn sure this didn't happen with the NEMS TT! The race basically went off without a hitch.  I got a great response from fellow NEMS members and we had plenty of volunteers.  We kept all the heats on time and actually started the last heat early. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself!  I was running around most of the day and I can't believe how quickly the day went by.   However, when I finally got out of there after being there for about 11 hours straight, I hit a wall and was totally exhausted!  Here is some video from the day:

NEMS members that raced did a fantastic job and represented the club extremely well. However, I would like to give a shout out to a couple of my clients that totally killed it! Let me start with Chris Veilleux. I've only been working with Chris for a few months, but he's been working extremely hard and has been doing excellent with his training. When we first tested to calculate his FTP, it was 179. In just over 2.5 months, Chris' new FTP is 235!!! What an incredible improvement he has made. Keep it up Chris! I still can't get over that much improvement. Chad Quinlan also dramatically lifted his FTP. His FTP in early December was 204 and now its up to 231. Jim Petersen also proved his training has been working and he's beyond recovered from his illness. His FTP jumped all the way to 237 from 218. Outstanding job guys!!! Keep up the great work. 

My own training has been going quite well. I am still base training and I am focused on keeping my HR low during a lot of workouts. 

Here is a look at the last 2 weeks of my training: 
Week of January 23rd - 29th Monday- Sleep: 7hrs, Zeo Sleep Score (ZS): 85 10' nap at lunch Swim: 3200 yards in 59:03 Tuesday- 7:52 hrs sleep, ZS: 102 Nap at lunch: 15' Strength at DSC: 1:20 Run: 7 miles in 53:32 Wednesday- 6:50hrs sleep, ZS: 87 Bike: 40' spin class Swim: 3900 yards in 1:14:48. Swim: About 500 yard while working with a client My birthday! Turned 30 years old! Holy smokes! But most importantly, I'm officially in my new age group. :) Thursday- 7:50 hrs sleep, ZS: 102 nap: 5' at lunch Strength: 1:20 at DSC Run: 5.26 miles in 40' Friday- 7:05 Hrs Slept, ZS: 87 no nap Bike: 45' spin class Bike: 40.06 miles in 2hrs on IM St. George course on Computrainer right after spin class. Avg Power: 203 Saturday- 7:21 hrs slept, ZS: 87 no nap Off Day- if you can call it that. Hosted the NEMS Indoor TT at Goodales. A very busy, but fun day! Sunday- 6:20 sleep, ZS: 73 Nap 25' in between my run and swim Run: 14 miles in 1:57:38 Week of January 30 - February 5 Monday- 7:04 hr slept, ZS: 88 nap at lunch: 10' nap after diner: 15' Yoga: 1hr Tuesday- 6:58 hr slept, ZS: 86 nap: 10' Strength: 1:15 at DSC Run: 8.76 miles in 1:05:23. Did 4 miles easy, then 3.2 hard at about 6:15 pace, then about 1.5 miles easy Wednesday- 6:21 hours slept: ZQ: 78 nap 15' at lunch Bike: 40' Spin class Swim: 2900 yards in 56' Swim: 5' on the Vasa Ergometer Swim: treading water sculling with clients and tri swim class- totaling about 20 min Thursday- 7:30 hrs slept, ZQ: 94 5' nap at lunch Strength: 1:20 at DSC Run: 5.23 miles in 40' Friday- 7:11 hrs slept, ZQ: 90 Bike: 45' Spin Class Bike: 50 miles in 2:32:11 of IM St. George Saturday- 8:10 hrs slept, ZQ: 98 15' nap Off day- Did 2 different sets of 10' of foam rolling and stretching Also did a walk though of the Anyone's Tri I'm helping to put on in a couple weeks. 

Here is the video I made:

Sunday- 7:10 hrs slept, ZQ: 92 nap 10' Run: 15 miles in 2:00:13 Swim: 1800 yards straight in 29:17 despite having to stop a few times for kids jumping in my lane and throwing noodles in my lane! :)

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