
Another Training Camp...In Mont Tremblant!

Bonjour! I signed up for Ironman Mont Tremblant last year because I heard so many great things about the venue and that is was a fantastic event. Since the course is only a little bit further away than Lake Placid, I figured this would be an excellent opportunity for my clients, club members, and I to check out Tremblant. Well, I can assure you that Tremblant did NOT disappoint!!! We rented a condo just outside of the village that was really nice. What I was absolutely amazed by was the hospitality of Mont Tremblant. All the people were very friendly and they actually had an Ironman training center where you could go to get information about the course, ask questions about the course, and leave your stuff while you swim! It was amazing. As one of my clients put, "clearly, Tremblant has gone all in with Ironman." There really is no doubt about that. It is so nice to be somewhere where the people are actually happy that you're there. Unfortunately this isn't the case in some places, particularly Lake Placid. The course is absolutely beautiful! The roads are all in phenomenal condition, they are signs pointing out the turns on the bike and run course and did I mention its beautiful! The course is definitely hilly, but I don't feel like it is as challenging as Lake Placid. The hills are more gradual and there are great recovery sections. Here is some video from our trip:

Thanks to everyone that came! I had a blast and I can not wait for the race!

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