
Another Awesome Day at the 2015 NEMS Indoor TT and I'm a Zooter

On Saturday, January 24th, my triathlon club and I hosted the 4th annual NorthEast MultiSport Indoor Time Trial at Goodales Bike Shop in Nashua, NH.  The weather kept some participants away as we got 4-6 inches of snow, which was unfortunately out of our control.  With what we could control, everything went extremely well!  The Goodales staff deserves pretty much all the credit for that.  They did an amazing job getting everything setup and helping with the general flow of the event and we kept all heats on time, starting some heats even a bit early.  Here is a quick video I made of the action:

A big shout out to all the PTC and NEMS members that participated and volunteered. Everyone did great and its so nice to see how many people were willing to donate their time and efforts to make this the event that it was. I have to give a extra shout out to one of my clients in particular, Lucas Pozzetta, for dominating the field and taking home the win. Lucas is an outstanding athlete and is prepping for some draft legal races in Clermont Florida at the beginning of March. The field down there better what out because he's heading down there to kick some butt! :)

I off course participated besides directing the race and I am happy with my efforts. I ended up averaging 352 watts which was just above my goal of 350. Given my training has not been as consistent as I would like it to be and as it has been in the past, I'll take it. That being said, this winter has been an interesting learning experience from me and I'm realizing some of the challenges a lot of my clients face with training. My son is 2 years old now so its not like the family life is completely new to me, but I've really made an effort to spend extra time with him and my wife this winter. I've also been working very hard to improve my business which is quite time consuming. However, with my only Ironman of 2015 still over 9 months out, if there is ever going to be a time where my training isn't perfect, this is the time. I'm not going to let it stress me out and I'm going to be my best. That being said, I'm still getting some quality training in and I WILL be ready to go sub 9 in Maryland in early October!!!


On that note, now that is has gotten real, I would like to formally announce that I have been accepted and will be racing for

this year. This is really a dream come true for me as I have dreamed of joining this team since early on in my triathlon days. Back when I was logging all my training and spending a lot of time on, I met and started following a guy name

. Bryan was a rock star Kona athlete that literally amazed me with his training and the speed/paces he would train at. I remember reading his Kona race reports in aw. Bryan was part of and is still a member of the Zoot team. As a result, I dreamed of some day joining him. Well, that day has come and its pretty humbling. Thanks for the inspiration Bryan! I only hope that I can represent the brand half as well as you do!

Zoot is an excellent company and I really like/believe in their products. As I continue to improve in triathlon and get more interest from sponsors, I've stuck to my guns of only representing companies that I truly believe in. Zoot is one of those companies for sure! They make very high quality, tri specfic, apparel and shoes. To top things off, we just got sent a look at the 2015 Zoot team kits and they're the PTC/NEMS orange and blue colors. When I saw that, I knew I made the right decision to join them. I can't wait to represent the company and hopefully inspire others in the sport of triathlon and life.

Lastly, this will probably be the last post I provide before the next BIG milestone in my life: the birth of my second second. He is expected to be here just 3 weeks from today. Calvin still doesn't quite get it that he is going to be a big brother, but my wife and I are very excited to have him join the family. Can't wait to meet you buddy! :)

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