
A Fantastic Weekend at Rev3 Quassy

I headed down to Connecticut on Friday to race on Saturday in the Olypmic race and then officiate the Half on Sunday.  This was also the first triathlon my son Calvin had ever been to.  I was very excited to have the family with me and was pumped for the weekend.  Calvin slept pretty well the night before so that was good for me as well.

Rev3 Quassy Olympic RR- Total Time:  2:13:46, 1st AG, 5th OV

Rev 3 Quassy 2013 swim

Swim:  .9 miles, 22:31, 3rd AG, 32 OV Not thrilled about my swim. I really struggled to get myself into a good grove. I was pretty wide out from the buoys throughout. There was also a brutal nbsp; glare from the sun once you made the first turn and it was really hard to see anything. I just trusted that the people in front of me knew where they were going.   Perhaps it was the heat or that I knew a tough course was coming on the bike and run, but for some reason I couldn't get myself to really push on the swim. Bike:  25.68 miles, 1:10:56, 2nd AG, 10th OV Well the course definitely lived up the hype. It was very hilly and ended up being over 2000 feet of climbing over the 25 miles. I did a good job of trying to keep a steady effort throughout, which meant toning it back a bit on the uphills and pushing on the downhills. It would have been nice to have ridden or drove the course before hand, but I'm happy with my effort. My HR did drop a bit during the ride, but I think that was just because of some of the downhills.  Overall, it was a good effort, but I may have gone out a bit too hot. My power was higher for the 2nd half of the ride than the 1st, but it was pretty even. nbsp; Run:  6.21 miles, 38:15, 2nd AG, 5th OV

Rev 3 Quassy 2013 post race

Same as the bike, I had heard this was a tough run. It started out flat to downhill for the first 2 miles, but then there was a pretty good climb, followed by a real tough one just about in the middle of the course. This combined with the heat, made it tough. My cadence slipped down a few times, but I did my best to keep my turnover up. I left T2 about 10 seconds behind a guy that appeared to be a strong run. I decided I was going to do my best to stick with him. I did so for the entire race and we end up going back and forth a few times. It was great to have someone to push me.  There was one really tough climb in the middle of the run.  It felt like it just kept on going and it really spiked my heart rate, but I pushed through. I ended up opening up a 5-10 second lead as headed into the finishing shoot so I thought I had him. However, Kristen and my son were right at the beginning of the finishing chute so I slowed down a bit to try to say hi when I passed them. As soon as I did, I looked to my left and he was cranking by me. I freaked and try to catch up to him, but he ended up out kicking me. Lesson learned!! However, I later found out he got a drafting penalty so it didn't end up mattering too much. Here is a pic off all the PTC and NEMS athletes that competed today.  Everyone did great and I was so proud of how well we were represented.

Rev 3 Quassy 2013 team pic

After the race, I met up with

to review the rules and get ready to officiate the half the next day.  We also met up with the professionals to go over the rules and field any questions. Officiating the race was a lot of fun.  It was a bit tough getting up at 4am again after a long day the day before, but I battled through.  It was nice to see the half course and it also lived up to the hype.  It was extremely hilly, but the field did quite well following the rules.  I did give out a few penalties, but not too many considering the field size. Overall, it was a fantastic weekend.  Rev3 definitely knows how to put on some great races.  I plan to be back again next year.  :)

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